Meet the team

Paul Edwards

Mentor / Consultant

Paul has been building manufacturing businesses for over 30 years, most recently as a Managing Director within the Michelin Group.

He has consistently driven sales and profit growth. Passionate about UK Manufacturing, Paul sat on the East Midlands Regional Advisory Board for MAKE UK, a trade organisation that champions engineering & manufacturing in the UK, for several years whilst in his role as MD. Still a member today, he regularly meets with like-minded business owners and professionals providing input and support to help shape the future of UK Manufacturing.

Paul is also focused on personal development and attended the Advanced Development Programme at Cranfield School of Management in 2011 and benefited from personal leadership coaching in 2015/16. He is a firm believer in developing others through coaching, mentoring and sharing the benefits of his experience.

Paul joined the Chrysalis Partners network and Human Alchemy in 2022 and is passionate about working with businesses to assist with their growth and development using proven methodologies and systems, complemented with his own personal experience.